Iona – An Mháthair Chloch/ The Keystone.
Le fada an lá táim den dtuairim gur cirte an gaol idir sinn féin – Éirinigh agus Albanaigh, a neartú seachas ár gchomhceadhal le Sasana. Ní stair agus gaol fola amháin atá eadarainn ach cuimhneas ar ghnéithe ar nós úsáid talamhan is farraigíbh, teanga is cultúir agus scaipe ár muintreach ar fuaid na cruinne agus mar sin de. Mar sin tá lá eagartha againn ar Oileán Ídhe (Iona) chun gur féidir an tuairim seo a neadú in aigne daoinibh, trí mheannta cumarsáide an lae inniu. Beidh an lá gearaid, gonnta agus gach mír meaite le h-éafacht iomhá do chur chun cinn –ag cuir snas ar ‘Eochair Chloch” Droichead nan Gael má maith leat.
I and some friends are organizing a day event on the Island of Iona, to commemorate the arrival of Saint ColmCille some 1450 years ago.
ColmCille and the Island of Iona are images of a time when Ireland and Scotland were of the same ‘nation’ of people. We think that it is an opportune time to remind people and their diaspora of this common heritage and relationship. In such a relationship Northern Ireland is in the middle of the family rather then separated out and off to the north.
We have in mind a day for the renewal of kinship and the provision of some images and imaginative phrases would encapsulate this idea for our relations around the world. To this end we have assembled a day long program. (P. Ó R.)
Clár an lae:
11:45 Arrival of Irish President Michael D. Higgins and by Fiona Hyslop, Scottish Cabinet Secretary for Culture and External Affairs – short parade to The Village Hall – piper – Alain Domhanalach
12:00 Peadar O Riada will introduce the day and thank publicly Rev. Peter MaDonald, the Head of the Iona Community. 2:00 minutes
Brief response from Rev Peter MacDonald. (3:00 minutes)
12:05 Fiona Hylsop 10:00 minutes
12:15 The Irish Historian Dónal Ó hÉalaithe – “The history of the two wings of the gaelic nation” 15 Minutes
12:30 The Scottish historian Aonghas Pádraig Caimbeul ”The life and meaning of Colmcille” 15 Minutes.
12:45 President Higgins “Of migrations, migrants and nations” 35 minutes
1:20 Break for lunch (In Monastery)
2:10 Brief outside walk to nearby graveyard and short intro. to Iona’s landmarks. (Ionian historian Mairi Mac Arthur)
2:20 Very brief symbolic spilling of holy water from seven holy wells in Ireland on the ground by the “Crionaigh” (Elders of Muscraí) (5:00 minutes)
2:30 “Presenting Gaelic Culture” – 2 poets and 2 ‘reacairí’ (singers) 1 poem or song each 20 – 30 minutes in total. (Flora Mac Néil, Josie Sheáin Jack Mac Donnchadha, Aonghus Mac Niocail, Ciarán Carson)
3:00 Ecumenical service (45 minute service – readings, psalms, hymns of ColumCille etc (Cór Cúil Aodha, Archdeacon Gary Hastings (Church of Ireland), Prior Chrostopher Clarke (Carmelite Order, Clarendon Street Dublin) Bishop Brendan Leahy of Limerick, Long Psalm Singers from the Island of Lewis, two representatives from the Scottish churches.)
Ceilidhe in local hall 8:00 for all who stay that night.